Florida Iguana & Tortoise Breeders/de

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We are having a lot of problems with mosquitoes harassing our Aldabras. Do you know of a spray or other way of protecting our torts from these mosquitoes? Any suggestions? Thanks.



I spray OFF on them (watch their eyes) you can also try Scarlet oil on their legs and shell.



My 19 inch Aldabra tortoise just hasn’t been moving a lot. She looks okay , and will finch if you rub her. She also will drink water if you put it by her.  There is no foaming at the mouth or mucous running out of her nose. She just doesn’t seem to have a lot of energy or strength. If she does walk she doesn’t get up high she just kind of moves herself just off the ground a little. Do you have any thoughts on what might be happening? She hasn’t pooped recently either. Thanks.



Welcome to Florida Iguana & Tortoises Breeders

At Florida Iguana & Tortoise Breeders we are a dedicated facility to the care and breeding of Giant Land Tortoises and West Indies Cyclura Rock Iguanas. We are a proud member of the ZAA (Zoological association of America) and we are an approved and accredited breeding facility by the ZAA.

Our Tortoise collection consists of a large collection of Galapagos and Aldabra Tortoises We also have a Breeding collection of African Spur thigh Tortoises and Redfoot, Yellow Foot Tortoises and Elongated Tortoises. Our Cyclura Iguana breeding project consists of Cuban Iguanas, Rhino Iguanas, Lewisi Iguanas, Cayman Brac and Figginsi cyclura Iguanas. Back in 2009 we started breeding Green Iguana, Iguana color morphs. Albino, Axanthic, Super Red and Hypomelanistic. We have also started raising and setup a new breeding program for locally specific island Iguanas like the Tobago Cay iguanas (White Zebra Rhino Iguana) and the Union island Pink Rhino Iguana.

We started our collection of Tortoise and Iguanas back in the early eighties. We were fortunate enough to obtain some of the nicest Iguanas and Tortoise when at the time the best known breeder was selling off their collection ( For those in the know, you know who that was) we are a private farm in Sunny South Florida with sophisticated outdoor pens and cages which are insulated with automatically thermal controlled. We have been breeding Tortoises and Iguanas for over thirty years but we are smart enough to know you can always learn something new.

We are lucky enough to know some of the most prominent breeders and leaders in the reptile world.

Welcome to Florida Iguana