What is the difference between a perfect animal and a Double or Divided scute?
ldabras with perfect scute patterns and that size are in higher demand and go for more money.
As far as I am concerned, the whole idea of “Perfect” is so very overrated.
The only time anyone cares about this condition is as a hatchling, I can show you my adults that have split or divided back Scute and I can tell you no one ever notices or cares. What’s perfect, this only refers to the perfectly symmetrical scute pattern, it is totally cosmetic.
Even when you look at the (none Perfect) patterns most people can’t even tell, the deviation is so small on one scute in the back.
The none perfect scute pattern only refers to just that, the pattern, the animals are perfect in shell development, smoothness, and are in perfect health. Look at the two images, now these are close-ups and zoomed in, if you study them you can see the perfect from the none perfect.
Example of a split or divided scutes
The below example is only shown as an example. Take note of the rearmost scute, on the perfect animal you can see what a “Perfect” scute looks like. Now look at the other scutes, Double or divided scute appears to have a divider through the middle of that scute, sometimes the dividing line is straight or curved and sometimes the scute is not divided equally. Meaning there may be a small and larger scute where on the perfect you only see one. On the multi scute animal there is usually three scutes in that area, All animals are guaranteed to be free from “Deformities, such as walking disorders, asymmetrical, lumpy or humped shells unless noted in the description.