Sulcata Baby Runny Stool



I just recently got a baby sulcata, and it seems to have runny poop. I’m thinking it’s from what the guy was feeding them but could be wrong. Was wondering if I should go straight to the vet, or try to add some fiber and see if that helps at all. Still active and eating as well.



Runny stools, improper diet, too much wet food like Fruits.

Sulcatas are fine just on green produce and tortoise chow. When they are older, they will just eat hay or grass. 

Or you could have parasites.

Try fixing the diet and see if the stools change. You should notice a change in a few days to a week.

If it persists longer, check for parasites.



Thank you for getting back to me, ended up taking it to an exotic vet just to be on the safe side. Once it started getting used to what I was feeding its stool is now good. 

What are some things I should be feeding my baby sulcata? I know mainly grasses but not sure if the grass at my apartment is untreated. I’ve tried Timothy hay but doesn’t seem to care for it



Tortoises dont like Timothy hay.

Alfalfa hay, A&O Alfalfa and Orchard grass is good. 

Or just orchard grass, Peanut hay, Oat hay.

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