Blue Rhino Cyclura

Blue Rhino Cyclura

Blue Rhino Iguanas

Rhino Iguanas are Big, Bold and the Most prehistoric looking of the Cyclura Iguanas. They are a very heavy bodied animals weighing well over 20 Lbs and up to 25 Lbs for some large males. They are a very long lived animal with life spans above 60 years and up to 80 years. 

Archived - Blue Rhino Videos

Archived - Blue Rhino Descriptions

Blue Rhino Iguanas

Rhino Iguanas are Big, Bold and the Most prehistoric looking of the Cyclura Iguanas. They are a very heavy bodied animals weighing well over 20 Lbs and up to 25 Lbs for some large males. They are a very long lived animal with life spans above 60 years and up to 80 years. 

Archived - Blue Rhino Breeding Program

Blue Rhino Iguanas

Archived - Blue Rhino Pictures
