7 Inch Giant Barbados Redfoot Male

Video Coming Soon
Animal: 09
Family: Tortoise
Genus: Red Foots
Availability: SOLD
Size: 7

7 Inch Giant Barbados Redfoot Male

Sold 10068/BB-Red-9-Face-A.jpg

Giant Barbados Redfoot Tortoise

This is an old and interesting story.

Barbados is home to the oldest Captive Bred Redfoot Animals that has been recorded.

Back around 1850, Red-foots were imported and given to the British Governor of the Barbados Island as pets
ALL The Redfoots on Barbados (and animals in St Maaureen are descendants from that group).
As time march on and around 1950, the animals found their way into some of the locals who eventually bred the tortoises.  

People have reported that the Barbados RedFoot Tortoises have developed unique coloration and markings including a domed shell shape.

There are some sources that state,  some of the largest RedFeet today are the Barbados decedents,  with shell sizes reported at 18 inches for males and 15 inches for females.  There is a specimen in the Barbados Zoo representing this size.

Geochelone carbonaria “Red-Foot Tortoise” (BARBADOS captive-born and CITES-approved)
